after our breakfast on sunday, we walked down to the banks of the seine. the city of paris is amazing in terms of the extra entertainments and cultural things it sets up for the residents. "paris plage" translated as "paris beach" is a summer installation that has taken place for several years now. for 2 months, the highway along the seine is closed and divided into sections. the side of the road of one section has sand and beach chairs, another has shower-like pipes emitting a cooling mist over tropical plants. there are tai-chi lessons offered, trampolines, and art activities for kids. most activities are free. there are also cafes, smoothy stands, crepe bars and other food vendors. meanwhile, the road is open to pedestrians, bicyclists and roller bladers.
we walked along paris plage and enjoyed the festive feeling. towards the end we even found free "10 minute massages". p and i happily took part.
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How freakin' evolved is that?! Wow.