Monday, January 9, 2012

teacher "speed dating"

went to the teacher/parent meeting tonight.  the parents call it “speed dating” because you are allocated 5 mins one on one with each teacher with whom your child successfully makes an appointment.  of course, the meetings always go for longer than 5 minutes so you have a line of parents in the hall waiting.  all in all, though, it seems to work.  all parents get a few minutes.  and, in spite of the short time, it was informative.   jj struggles in “advanced” math and her grades are below average.   the teacher says that she is doing fine, it’s just that there are some kids who just “get it” immediately and she has to keep up to speed to get through the materiel.  p thinks  it was just lazy to say she is doing fine.  the teachers don’t have the energy or the time or the desire to give special help to any student.  this is the difference between the french and the american system.  it doesn’t really matter to the teacher.  as i have said before, their job is to get through the material.
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