we are settling back into our house in belmont, on the outskirts of
boston. jj has started school at the local high school. she pushed
her way into french AP - after they had assigned her into french 4,
which she found much to easy. she has her driving learners permit
and so far has only driven around empty parking lots. we had to get a
car right away - this being america, so i have leased a honda crv.
lucky for her they only make them with automatic transmission - no
shifting! she is enrolled in an orchestra at New England Conservatory
of Music and has found a new violin teacher there as well.
have returned to working at my old real estate office, hammond, as a
sales agent. if you know anyone moving to the boston/cambridge area,
please give them my contact info! AND i have arranged to have painting
space in a studio nearby, starting in october. i am VERY excited about
that. i will be sharing 800 sq ft in a factory building with 3 other
artists among studios housing 75 other artists. this will be a game
changer! those of you whom i have promised a painting, i will be on it
p has finally achieved his goal of being unemployed
was unsuccessful in paris with that). though he is looking for work,
and has had some good leads with some very cool video and web companies
nearby. he unpacked his beer making equipment and started a batch of
brew yesterday. i need to design labels. one idea is to call it "obama
brew". it should be ready for election day.
and lastly, maynard
made the transatlantic journey with us. we were very lucky with the
weather and the day we traveled was the first that the temperature
dropped in boston to an allowable 75 degrees. i think that his air
traveling days are done, though i do tell people he's been to more
countries than most congressmen. he is very happy with his outdoor
space, wandering out freely to lie in the grass, basking in the sun.
squirrels are plentiful.
of COURSE, we miss paris, terribly. was it just a dream? i have decided to try to organize champagne tastings here to
make me less sad.
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