decided it was time to go rollerblading. the weather was beautiful, sunny and near 50 degrees. i haven’t done much rollerblading since we got the dog. i try to take him with me when i go exercising and rollerblading with him doesn’t work. the highway along the seine is closed on sundays to cars so people can walk/bike/rollerblade on it. it’s really wonderful and one of my favorite things in paris. (a few weeks ago, i was telling jj about going to this highway to rollerblade or bike. she said “i definitely don’t want to do that” i was surprised and kept telling her how beautiful it was. then i mentioned how they had started closing the highway on sundays when we were first living in paris many years ago. and she said “oh, it’s CLOSED to cars!” i laughed at how she imagined her mother was totally insane rollerblading on a LIVE highway!) i have learned over the last few outings, that it’s better to take the metro to get close to the start of the closed highway, because it’s a pain to deal with traffic getting there and it’s not my favorite touring path. p suggested getting off the metro at invalides and he picked up a bike there. i put on my rollerblades. this was a mistake. i was definitely rusty PLUS there’s lots of bumps and dirt and COBBLESTONE on the way to the entrance. next time i will get off much closer to the entrance and NOT put on my blades until we are ON the highway. i did feel like time had passed and here i was, an OLD lady rollerblading... but, mick jagger is still playing concerts, so why not? (i just have to avoid cobblestone).
jj came back from her weekend exhausted. apparently, they rehearsed from the time i dropped them off at 3:00 till 6:00, had dinner and then rehearsed from 8:00 till 10:00. then some of the kids partied till 1am, this being their wild weekend away from parents. then, today, they rehearsed all day and didn’t leave until 6pm. she still has to do homework.
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