painted and then went to lunch again at the restaurant called “le timbre”. (“le timbre” means postage stamp, and it is a tiny restaurant).
afterwards, i went home to give the dog a bath. the temperature had been in the 50’s and maynard had come back pretty smelly from his vacation. was pretty tired. i have occasional sleep problems. my question is: “does aging cause sleep problems or do sleep problems cause aging?”. i sort of think it’s both. i used to be an excellent sleeper. in fact, when jj was born, we were living in paris, and my mother came over to help. she told me later that she came because she had been worried that i wouldn’t wake up when the baby cried. but i did wake up. having the baby changed everything with my sleep.
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You are so right...ageing may cause sleep issues, but sleep issues definitely reinforce the ageing. I think it starts in pregnancy when a full bladder (or even a half-full bladder) causes us to wake in the night, then waking for baby feedings, and then it just becomes part of our pattern. Hyper-listening and all that. I envy men their nightly oblivion. It never feels like I've quite left the previous day behind.