the AACCM, or “association des amis des chiens de champs de mars” (association of friends of dogs of the champs de mars) is an association of dog owners who fought to have more rights for their dogs at the champs de mars (park under the eiffel tower). they fought to allow dogs in the park as well as be off leash in certain areas. it’s not a “right” or a “law” but a “tolerance”. the park guardians are always chasing after the dogs on the lawn or off leash in the wrong places. it costs 15 euros a year to join and p and i are members. we love the idea of the association and the idea of belonging to it. we laugh just reciting its full name. they have little morning coffees on the first saturday of every month during the spring. today they were having their last event before the summer. this was a cocktail hour potluck. mostly older ladies, none of my normal buddies – were they the regular 7pm crowd? dogs were very badly behaved – table was leaning against park bench which small dogs jumped on to eat off table, large dogs ate directly off table, medium dogs put paws on table and grabbed food. one older lady just taking pieces of cake and handing them to the dogs! i was shocked at the behavior. i made chinese dumplings (just fried store bought frozen dumplings). they were a big hit. one lady said, “oh, these are delicious!” and kept stuffing them in her mouth. it made me laugh (since i do that too sometimes!).
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