Sunday, June 26, 2011


there is a final party with the adaptation kids on the other side of parc st. cloud. it is a zipline party in the tree canopy. the others are taking a train from gare st lazare, but we can take the metro to the close side of the park and walk. it’s a 50 minute walk, but we’ll bring the dog and it will be pleasant. jj was at her sleepover and we were to meet at the park. her friend and family were driving but didn’t have space for all the girls. jj was supposed to meet us, but of course she and the girls slept very late and were slow in getting up. we were supposed to be there to get our lessons. we were late, but luckily, so was everybody else. it was very crowded. when we finally got to go up into the trees, it was slow going. there was climbing on rope nets and balancing over wobbly bridges. i was bored. “when are we going to get to zipline?” i thought. when i finally got to the zipline, i attached my harness and was TERRIFIED! i zipped along, way above the ground and screamed the whole way. it took a long time to get through one course because of the number of people. i think it took an hour, whereas it should’ve taken 20 minutes. there were several courses. i was exhausted by the end and decided i had had enough. so i took the dog and sat on the lawn and read instead. jj and p went to do another course and then jj had to go and say goodbye to all her friends. we walked back down the park, which was easier since it was downhill, and caught the metro home.

we had a lice warning last week – one of jj’s friend’s had it and told her friends to check. lice seems to be a part of normal life for city children. despite all the warnings in past years, jj never had them, but this time there seemed to be signs. without going into details, the main pain about it was that jj and p felt that i was overreacting and that the internet information was just old wives tales. their resistance to the treatments and recommended procedures just made more work for me. well, live and learn. i know how to do it now.
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